[gdal-dev] Slow convertion from OSM to PG with -skipfailures

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Mon May 27 12:01:50 PDT 2013

> Don't you feel that the price is rather high? In this example like 120
> minutes vs. 2 minutes. Could you imagine a Speedy Sanitizer (TM) option
> which would use a small super fast in-memory container for collecting
> something like one thousand valid features before flushing them into the
> database?

Actually that would be more complicated than that. You only know if features 
are valid once you have submitted them to the database (otherwise we could 
discard them before). So the idea would rather be to retain in memory the 
features of a transaction. If the transaction succeeds, fine. If it fails, you 
then need to resubmit the features one by one in single feature transactions 
(but if you have statistically at least one failure by multiple feature 
transactions, then you'd better just use single feature transaction). Another 
problem I see is that currently, ogr2ogr doesn't detect failures in COPY mode, 
since the error will be caught by PostgreSQL at COMMIT time, and the error 
propagation isn't done properly currently.

> -Jukka-
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