[gdal-dev] ogr2og / forcing a +-180 system

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Mon Nov 18 16:49:12 PST 2013

Le lundi 18 novembre 2013 20:29:07, Robb K. Wright a écrit :
> I haven't been able to get either -wrapdateline or -datelineoffset to
> alter the coords.  As far as I can figure out, the -wrapdateline option
> only operates on features that actually intersect the 180 line, so using
> it doesn't alter my coords since mine are only on either side.  I'm just
> trying to shift any polys <-180 to be have long +360.  Here's a sample
> shape if anybody wants to take a swing:
> http://branewright.org/test/test_file.zip


I can think of 2 ways :

- doing an intermediate reprojection to EPSG:3857, and then reprojecting the 
result to EPSG:4326.

ogr2ogr tmp.shp test5.shp -t_srs EPSG:3857
ogr2ogr test5_shifted.shp tmp.shp -t_srs EPSG:4326

- with GDAL 1.10 and Spatialite 4.0, using the spatialite ST_Shift_Longitude() 
function :

ogr2ogr test5_shifted.shp test5.shp -dialect sqlite \
   -sql "select ST_Shift_Longitude(geometry) as GEOMETRY, * from test5" 


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