[gdal-dev] RFC 44: JSON/XML output for ogrinfo/gdalinfo

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Tue Nov 19 20:37:26 PST 2013

On Nov 19, 2013, at 2:01 PM, Even Rouault <even.rouault at mines-paris.org> wrote:

> Certainly a proposal that would please people that don't want to study GDAL or 
> OGR API ;-)

Hehe, yeah. Hipster enablement.

> - I saw on IRC that you didn't anticipate to make that capability as an API 
> call but still rely on parsing the output of the utilities. That make its use 
> a bit complicated (in my opinion), but I don't see this as a blocking point. 

Are there other examples of this type of application-oriented capability available in the APIs of GDAL and OGR proper? I've got no problem pushing this type of thing into the API stead of out in application-land if there's general support for it.

> By the way, regarding ogrinfo, do you intend to dump all the features in the -
> al mode or just the summary of the layers ?

The immediate desire was simply focused on metadata and summary data along with SRS info. I didn't really want to come up with a new way of representing geometry or features, and I don't want to reengineer anything that might already have been done. That's one reason why we kicked out the RFC a little prematurely.

> The "background" paragraph only 
> mentions metadata. In which case there could be some redundancy with the 
> GeoJSON and GML drivers (*)

Would it seem reasonable that if you ask for JSON, you get GeoJSON, and if you ask for XML, you get GML?

> $ python swig/python/samples/ogr2vrt.py -schema poly.shp out.vrt

I didn't know about ogr2vrt.py. For summary information, this is pretty much what I require, other than wanting to have it within arm's reach inside of ogrinfo. Is there a gdal2vrt.py as well? I know about gdalbuildvrt, but that's mostly processing directives, not metadata, right?

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