[gdal-dev] HDF5 problem

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Mon Sep 23 12:20:42 PDT 2013


> I have a .hdf file (Conventions=ODIM_H5/V2_1) which i want to open with
> gdalinfo.exe whereby i use gdal 1.10.1 with openjpeg 2.0.0 and the HDF
> plugin of HDF5 1.8.11 (compiled with zlib 1.2.8 and szip 2.1) on 64 bit
> compillation.
> The gdalinfo output prints a lot of subdatasets (1 to 88) but when I want
> to open any subdataset I get many erros:
> If someone has a suggestion how to read in the images it would be nice to
> tell me or give me a hint where to find help.....

Can you also try with the builds available at http://www.gisinternals.com/sdk/ 
? If you still reproduce, a link to this dataset (or any reproducing the same 
behaviour) could be helpful.

Best regards,


Geospatial professional services

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