[gdal-dev] Tester with ERDAS needed
Jukka Rahkonen
jukka.rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Tue Sep 24 21:35:21 PDT 2013
lpinner <Luke.Pinner <at> environment.gov.au> writes:
> I've tried both geographic and projected tiffs. The original tiffs were a mix
> of very small test data (8bit, single band, 100 cols x 100 rows) and fairly
> large Worldview-2 16bit pan and multispectral scenes.
> All of the output jp2s have only a single uuid box.
> Sorry, I'm usually very good at breaking software, but not this time : )
Great. Perhaps we lag one update behind you on this side of the Earth.
If you want more entertainment you can do one more test. Export same image
two times, first with only GeoTIFF georeferencing and then with only GML
georefererencing and check the results with gdalinfo. There used to be half
a pixel difference in the extents because the GML that ERDAS wrote into a
XML box inside JPEG2000 had origo at the pixel corner but GDAL awaits it to
be at the pixel center. You can also see the contents of the XML box
directly with the metadata tool of kdu_show.
-Jukka Rahkonen-
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