[gdal-dev] Misc. subjects : OSGeo Vienna code sprint, release plans, GDAL 2.0

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Tue Feb 18 10:19:03 PST 2014

> Hi, I meant to bring this up in my earlier email, but it slipped my
> mind.  Or maybe I didn't want to open a can of worms.  What exactly
> would 'unification' entail?  I assume all ogr drivers would have to
> inherit GDALMajorObject (and probably OGRDataSource and OGRLayer
> maybe?) and then ogr drivers would have to populate metadata.  I also
> assume that this would replace GetCapabilities().  Can someone
> elaborate on the scope of such a change?  Thanks.

Yes, probably things in that direction. Well that could be a whole subject to 
discuss in face to face for people present in Vienna. A further step would be 
to have drivers that would do both the raster and vector side at the same time 
(think of Geopackage for example). A dataset/datasource would have raster band 
and vector layers.

Geospatial professional services

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