[gdal-dev] Recommended strategy to handle MIF file with a few big multipolygons
Even Rouault
even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Mon Mar 10 16:05:06 PDT 2014
Well, attach a debugger to the ogr2ogr process and see where the time is
your SQL clause could be replaced by "-fid 1", but I'm not sure that the reason
for the slowness.
> Hello,
> I'm working with a MIF file, contaning just 5 multipolygons (in form
> of "regions", in MapInfo terms). But the file weights 700MB. So, the
> multipolygons are really big. I'd like to transform my file to SHP or
> PostGIS using ogr2ogr, but any operation takes forever.
> My current approach is to use -sql flag this way:
> ogr2ogr -sql "select * from my_layer where fid = 1" my_layer.shp
> my_layer.mif
> But after 2 hours, it still continues working. I've activated debug,
> and last text I've seen is: "Shape: Treating as encoding
> 'ISO-8859-1'."
> All the clip operations I've tried with ogr2ogr have the same
> problems: I have to wait hours, and after that, I just get a SHP of
> 100 Bytes. So, I kill the process.
> Should I be more patient? Or is there any smarter approach to handle
> this kind of file?
> Best regards,
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