[gdal-dev] Change SQLite default to -spatialite=yes?

Even Rouault even.rouault at mines-paris.org
Wed Mar 19 07:20:47 PDT 2014

Le mercredi 19 mars 2014 15:03:20, Ivan Lucena a écrit :
> Hi Jukka,
> > To: gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org
> > From: jukka.rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
> > Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 08:13:29 +0000
> > Subject: [gdal-dev] Change SQLite default to -spatialite=yes?
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Would it hurt bad if the SQLite/Spatialite driver would use -co
> > spatialite=yes as a default? Is there anybody really using the "regular"
> > FDO type SQLite databases?
> I don't know how the FDO uses that driver but I once was asked to try to
> setup and try the Berkeley DB with that OGR driver. Everything works just
> fine at that moment and I never checked that again.
> A default like you propose might be OK. The problem is if the driver
> becomes dependent on one or another storage, so next time a user updates
> GDAL their option doesn't work anymore. For us, developer, it's hard to
> keep track without autotests that include Berkeley DB (and FDO, I guess).


I'm not sure what Jukka's proposal has to do with using regular sqlite backend 
or Berkeley DB. I thought the impact was only to linking to Berkely DB, no ?

Spatialite has little to do with that : it is just a SQLite extension (I don't 
know Berkeley DB, but perhaps you could have spatialite working with Berkeley 
DB, but that would imply that Berkely DB offers the same extension API than 
SQLite3, which is not obvious), and if your GDAL build doesn't link against 
spatialite, then this would steal produce FDO-style SQLITE DB.

Both FDO-style and Spatialite-style DBs are tested in autotests.


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