[gdal-dev] "Times" projection in GDAL

Jed O. Kaplan jed.kaplan at unil.ch
Mon Mar 24 11:42:28 PDT 2014

Dear GDAL gurus,

I have some scanned maps in the “Times" projection that I would like to orthorectify using gdalwarp and other GDAL tools. It appears that this projection is not supported in the version of proj4/GDAL that I have, though it seems to be included in most ESRI software (http://help.arcgis.com/en/arcgisdesktop/10.0/help/index.html#//003r00000045000000).

Would anyone happen to know of free software I could use to rectify scanned maps in the Times projection? Alternatively, I could try programming the projection into proj4 myself, though I’ve never done this before. Snyder provides the formulas for the forward projection in his book “Flattening the Earth…”  (pg. 213). If I would program a new projection in proj4, are there particular issues I need to be aware of?

Many thanks in advance for your help!

Jed Kaplan

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