[gdal-dev] Difficulty finding all parts of shapefile polygon using Python and osgeo/ogr

Bruce Raup bruceraup at gmail.com
Thu May 15 09:13:14 PDT 2014


I have a Python script that reads a shapefile, converts holes in polygons
to top-level polygons, and writes a new polygon.  The new top-level
polygons inherit attributes from their parents, with optional modifications
of specific attributes.  For a simple test shapefile, the output of shpdump
shows what I mean:

$ shpdump simple_shapes_with_holes.shp
Shapefile Type: Polygon   # of Shapes: 3

File Bounds: (      -1.113,       0.146,0,0)
         to  (       0.751,       1.101,0,0)

Shape:0 (Polygon)  nVertices=11, nParts=2
  Bounds:(      -1.113,       0.146, 0, 0)
      to (      -0.493,       0.723, 0, 0)
     (      -1.087,       0.151, 0, 0) Ring
     (      -1.113,       0.686, 0, 0)
     (      -1.109,       0.712, 0, 0)
     (      -0.506,       0.723, 0, 0)
     (      -0.493,       0.146, 0, 0)
     (      -1.087,       0.151, 0, 0)
   + (      -0.896,       0.346, 0, 0) Ring
     (      -0.682,       0.339, 0, 0)
     (      -0.684,       0.556, 0, 0)
     (      -0.909,       0.558, 0, 0)
     (      -0.896,       0.346, 0, 0)

Shape:1 (Polygon)  nVertices=19, nParts=4
  Bounds:(      -0.127,       0.159, 0, 0)
      to (       0.751,       0.783, 0, 0)
     (       0.402,       0.783, 0, 0) Ring
     (       0.751,       0.159, 0, 0)
     (      -0.127,       0.198, 0, 0)
     (       0.402,       0.783, 0, 0)
   + (       0.298,       0.539, 0, 0) Ring
     (       0.417,       0.523, 0, 0)
     (       0.426,       0.612, 0, 0)
     (       0.339,       0.625, 0, 0)
     (       0.298,       0.539, 0, 0)
   + (       0.083,       0.263, 0, 0) Ring
     (       0.248,       0.252, 0, 0)
     (       0.213,       0.396, 0, 0)
     (       0.107,       0.367, 0, 0)
     (       0.083,       0.263, 0, 0)
   + (       0.361,       0.281, 0, 0) Ring
     (       0.530,       0.265, 0, 0)
     (       0.435,       0.413, 0, 0)
     (       0.330,       0.435, 0, 0)
     (       0.361,       0.281, 0, 0)

Shape:2 (Polygon)  nVertices=6, nParts=1
  Bounds:(      -0.389,       0.681, 0, 0)
      to (       0.141,       1.101, 0, 0)
     (      -0.383,       1.005, 0, 0) Ring
     (      -0.136,       1.101, 0, 0)
     (       0.141,       0.964, 0, 0)
     (      -0.154,       0.681, 0, 0)
     (      -0.389,       0.809, 0, 0)
     (      -0.383,       1.005, 0, 0)

$ shpdump simple_shapes_with_holes_flattened.shp
Shapefile Type: Polygon   # of Shapes: 7

File Bounds: (      -1.113,       0.146,0,0)
         to  (       0.751,       1.101,0,0)

Shape:0 (Polygon)  nVertices=6, nParts=1
  Bounds:(      -1.113,       0.146, 0, 0)
      to (      -0.493,       0.723, 0, 0)
     (      -1.087,       0.151, 0, 0) Ring
     (      -1.113,       0.686, 0, 0)
     (      -1.109,       0.712, 0, 0)
     (      -0.506,       0.723, 0, 0)
     (      -0.493,       0.146, 0, 0)
     (      -1.087,       0.151, 0, 0)

Shape:1 (Polygon)  nVertices=5, nParts=1
  Bounds:(      -0.909,       0.339, 0, 0)
      to (      -0.682,       0.558, 0, 0)
     (      -0.896,       0.346, 0, 0) Ring
     (      -0.909,       0.558, 0, 0)
     (      -0.684,       0.556, 0, 0)
     (      -0.682,       0.339, 0, 0)
     (      -0.896,       0.346, 0, 0)

Shape:2 (Polygon)  nVertices=4, nParts=1
  Bounds:(      -0.127,       0.159, 0, 0)
      to (       0.751,       0.783, 0, 0)
     (       0.402,       0.783, 0, 0) Ring
     (       0.751,       0.159, 0, 0)
     (      -0.127,       0.198, 0, 0)
     (       0.402,       0.783, 0, 0)

Shape:3 (Polygon)  nVertices=5, nParts=1
  Bounds:(       0.298,       0.523, 0, 0)
      to (       0.426,       0.625, 0, 0)
     (       0.298,       0.539, 0, 0) Ring
     (       0.339,       0.625, 0, 0)
     (       0.426,       0.612, 0, 0)
     (       0.417,       0.523, 0, 0)
     (       0.298,       0.539, 0, 0)

Shape:4 (Polygon)  nVertices=5, nParts=1
  Bounds:(       0.083,       0.252, 0, 0)
      to (       0.248,       0.396, 0, 0)
     (       0.083,       0.263, 0, 0) Ring
     (       0.107,       0.367, 0, 0)
     (       0.213,       0.396, 0, 0)
     (       0.248,       0.252, 0, 0)
     (       0.083,       0.263, 0, 0)

Shape:5 (Polygon)  nVertices=5, nParts=1
  Bounds:(       0.330,       0.265, 0, 0)
      to (       0.530,       0.435, 0, 0)
     (       0.361,       0.281, 0, 0) Ring
     (       0.330,       0.435, 0, 0)
     (       0.435,       0.413, 0, 0)
     (       0.530,       0.265, 0, 0)
     (       0.361,       0.281, 0, 0)

Shape:6 (Polygon)  nVertices=6, nParts=1
  Bounds:(      -0.389,       0.681, 0, 0)
      to (       0.141,       1.101, 0, 0)
     (      -0.383,       1.005, 0, 0) Ring
     (      -0.136,       1.101, 0, 0)
     (       0.141,       0.964, 0, 0)
     (      -0.154,       0.681, 0, 0)
     (      -0.389,       0.809, 0, 0)
     (      -0.383,       1.005, 0, 0)

I have a shapefile for which this doesn't work, however, and I suspect it's
perhaps a difference in the way the inner rings are represented.  In this
real shapefile, the top part of the output from shpdump looks like

Shapefile Type: Polygon   # of Shapes: 1

File Bounds: (  462611.523, 3894164.223,0,0)
         to  (  470338.347, 3901974.217,0,0)

Shape:0 (Polygon)  nVertices=1575, nParts=14
  Bounds:(  462611.523, 3894164.223, 0, 0)
      to (  470338.347, 3901974.217, 0, 0)
     (  467768.987, 3900844.546, 0, 0) Ring
     (  467744.058, 3900868.748, 0, 0)
     (  467702.110, 3900879.841, 0, 0)
     (  467670.108, 3900921.799, 0, 0)
     (  467632.530, 3900960.784, 0, 0)
     (  467689.198, 3900957.167, 0, 0)
     (  467751.895, 3900922.201, 0, 0)
     (  467785.655, 3900861.426, 0, 0)
     (  467768.987, 3900844.546, 0, 0)
   + (  467774.970, 3900834.757, 0, 0) Ring
     (  467796.445, 3900858.379, 0, 0)
     (  467850.763, 3900846.242, 0, 0)
     (  467900.197, 3900841.419, 0, 0)
     (  467927.928, 3900814.893, 0, 0)
     (  467936.368, 3900767.871, 0, 0)

But my python code doesn't see all the parts.

$ python
Python 2.7 (r27:82500, Aug 07 2010, 16:54:59) [GCC] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from osgeo import ogr
>>> sf = ogr.Open('segments.shp')
>>> sl = sf.GetLayer(0)
>>> sl
<osgeo.ogr.Layer; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'OGRLayerShadow *' at
0xb7472980> >
>>> feat = sl[0]
>>> feat
<osgeo.ogr.Feature; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'OGRFeatureShadow *' at
0xb7472620> >
>>> sg = feat.GetGeometryRef()
>>> sg
<osgeo.ogr.Geometry; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'OGRGeometryShadow *' at
0xb749e770> >
>>> sg.GetGeometryCount()

I would expect the output of sg.GetGeometryCount() to be 15.  Am I doing
something wrong?

The complete script is at


The testfile is at


The "real" testfile on which the script fails is at:


Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Bruce Raup

Bruce Raup
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