[gdal-dev] [OSGeo-Standards] Idea: GeoTIFF box in JPEG to addgeoreferencing

Mateusz Łoskot mateusz at loskot.net
Wed May 21 05:55:57 PDT 2014

On 21 May 2014 12:39, Even Rouault <even.rouault at mines-paris.org> wrote:
> Le mardi 20 mai 2014 12:48:12, Emmanuel Devys a écrit :
>> Thanks Peter, Carl, Even, Jukka et al for this interesting discussion on
>> adding Georeferencing to image file standards, and capabilities of GMLJP2
>> 2.0 (and its GMLCOV capabilities for rectified Grid coverages or
>> Georeferenceable Grid coverages), GeoJP2 ...
>> I appreciate this idea and action from Even to use the GeoTIFF Box
>> mechanism (as documented in the GeoJP2 as explained below) for other
>> formats (than JP2K format) such as native JPEG, PNG ... This is outside
>> the scope of the Geo-enabled JP2K (and GMLJP2), but of significant
>> interest with PNG or JPG data.
> A fundamental question that has not been much discussed in this thread is : do
> people really see interest in capturing georeferencing in popular image
> formats like PNG or JPG ? My thinking is that it could be potentially usefull
> in a few situations :
> * when a WMS server returns a PNG or JPG.
> * when generating tile caches for WMTS / TMS.

Having a self-contained raster is surely an interesting thing.
It would support creation of lean(er) kind of services.
Would/Will it cross the chasm? That is a matter of business strategy :)

Best regards,
Mateusz  Łoskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net

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