[gdal-dev] RuntimeError no COPY in progress

Ari Jolma ari.jolma at gmail.com
Thu Oct 2 12:32:14 PDT 2014

2014-10-02 19:23:03 EEST ERROR: COPY from stdin failed: COPY terminated 
by new PQexec
> Hum, definitely weird. I've an idea to debug that. If you use GDAL trunk, you
> could enable the OGR C API spy mechanism, as the Perl bindings used the C API.
> That will produce a OGR Python script (sorry for Python ;-)) that should have
> the same side effects regarding the OGR PostgreSQL driver as your original Perl
> script.
> See http://www.gdal.org/ograpispy_8h.html

ok, I'll try that (recompile takes time) but an intermediate information 
is that the situation occurs only when the same datasource is used for 
reading and writing. I'm converting Polygons into LineStrings, so I'm 
reading from the database the polygons from one table and writing back 
lines into a different table. Now when I had two datasource objects to 
the same database the problem did not occur again.


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