[gdal-dev] handle GRIB files in polar stereographic projection

teeschke daniel.teske at web.de
Mon Oct 6 12:32:10 PDT 2014

Dear list,

I am having trouble to handle grib files, that are polar stereographic
projected. My goal is to reproject the grib into WGS84, but gdalinfo and
gdalwrap cannot find any data iside the grib. 

$ gdalinfo south_hemisphere.grb 
Warning: Inside GRIB2Inventory, Message # 2
ERROR: Ran out of file reading SECT0
There were 94 trailing bytes in the file.
ERROR 4: south_hemisphere.grb is a grib file, but no raster dataset was
successfully identified.
gdalinfo failed - unable to open 'south_hemisphere.grb'.

Analyzing the file with wgrib brings the following result

$ wgrib -V south_hemisphere.grb 
rec 1:0:date 2014092012 ICEC kpds5=91 kpds6=1 kpds7=0 levels=(0,0) grid=5
sfc anl: bitmap: 0 undef
  ICEC=Ice (ice=1;no ice=0) [fraction]
  timerange 0 P1 0 P2 0 TimeU 1  nx 790 ny 830 GDS grid 5 num_in_ave 0
missing 0
  center 88 subcenter 0 process 1 Table 1 scan: WE:SN winds(N/S) 
  polar stereo: Lat1 -41.501000 Long1 -135.000000 Orient 0.000000
     north pole (790 x 830) Dx 10000 Dy 10000 scan 64 mode 0
  min/max data -199 100  num bits 16  BDS_Ref -199  DecScale 0 BinScale -7

With wgrib and the netcdf-tools* I can display the metadata. Panoply** can
also display the grib file in variouse projections

Is GDAL made for working with polar stereographic projected gribs? Do you
have any idea how I can reproject the grib file?

Thanks you so much and best regards,

** http://www.giss.nasa.gov/tools/panoply/

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/handle-GRIB-files-in-polar-stereographic-projection-tp5166227.html
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