[gdal-dev] Batch Process: Check for newest files then Batch Project the newest files added to a directory and Make it automated

Love ljvillarin30 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 02:05:27 PDT 2014

How will I do this in batch process:

I have bunch of hdf files downloaded from the ftp and saved to a directory,
and in everyday there are newest files added to the ftp available for
download, then I'll download those newest files . Now, how will I check if
there are new files added to the hdf directory(directory where I saved the
downloaded files)? And then, if there are new files added how will I batch
project those new files only?If there were no new files, just do nothing or
a prompt will just appear indicating that there are no new files?
Any help will be much appreciated.

Here is the script for the projection:

gdalwarp -geoloc -t_srs "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84" -te 113.205 1.120
157.105 2.005 HDF4_SDS:hdf:"A2001017054000.L2_LAC.sample.hdf":01 sample.tif
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