[gdal-dev] Transform pixel coordinates

Andre Joost andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de
Fri Oct 24 22:00:55 PDT 2014

Am 25.10.2014 um 06:03 schrieb Artur Bercik:
> Dear GDAL users
> I have a raster image of 406 lines and 270 samples with 5km pixel size. The
> center coordinates (lats and lons in degrees in GCS) of upper left pixel,
> and the center coordinates (lats and lons in degrees in GCS) of the lower
> right pixel  are given, how can I calculate the coordinates of upper left
> corner (ulx and uly) and the coordinates of lower right corner (lrx and
> lry)?

You need to know the projection definition to calculate from distance in 
pixel or km to degrees.

André Joost

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