[gdal-dev] ERROR 1: Too many points (440 out of 441) failed to transform, unable to compute output bounds.

Andre Joost andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de
Thu Sep 11 07:46:05 PDT 2014

Am 11.09.2014 10:45, schrieb Love:
> I know I'm not the first to post this topic and encountered this problem.
> But I've search and read some posts related to this and tried their
> solutions but no luck. I really can't figure out what is causing this
> problem. How am I going to solve it? Badly need help!
> I have tried gdalwarp -wo SOURCE_EXTRA=100 -wo SAMPLE_GRID=YES and still no
> luck.
> Here are the info:
> gdalwarp -t_srs "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"
> HDF4_SDS:UNKNOWN:"A2014042042000.L2_LAC.SeAHABS.hdf":37 hdf.tif

maybe source crs is missing.

> Driver: HDF4Image/HDF4 Dataset
> Files: A2014042042000.L2_LAC.SeAHABS.hdf
> Size is 563, 880
> Coordinate System is `'

That is for the whole dataset. Try gdalinfo on the subdataset 37 you want.

I was successful with extracting the subdatset using gdal_translate, and 
work on with that:

gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:4326 -a_ullr -180 -90 180 90 -of "Gtiff" 
HDF4_SDS:UNKOWN:"LISOTD_HRFC_V2.3.2013.hdf":0 test.tif

In your case, a_ullr might be different.

André Joost

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