[gdal-dev] Interpolation when using the WMS format

Jukka Rahkonen jukka.rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Thu Sep 18 14:03:18 PDT 2014

Peter Hopfgartner <peter.hopfgartner <at> r3-gis.com> writes:

> Salut Evan,
> thanks for you recipe. Unfortunately, what I am really interested in is to
use this from MapServer. Could
> you give me a pointer in the source where the resampling takes place?


Why don't you test with Mapserver then before starting to code? If you use
Mapserver as WMS GDAL can request correct resolution directly and there
should be no need at all for resampling. Most Mapservers are also configured
to use png as one of the outputformats which should lead to better quality
than the jpeg compressed tiles you have been playing with.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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