[gdal-dev] GSOC 2015 proposal - Integration of cpp GDAL utilities into GDAL core library

Jukka Rahkonen jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Wed Apr 1 14:52:25 PDT 2015

Sean Gillies <sean <at> mapbox.com> writes:

> Hi all,
> I'm not entirely clear on the signatures of the new functions. Are we
considering new functions that would be called with a single string argument
like this?
>   ogr2ogr('-of "ESRI Shapefile" example.shp example.json')
> From my perspective this would be sort of a disaster. Instead of using
features of our programming languages to handle function arguments (good),
we'd be formatting strings (bad). It's much better to have this:
>   ogr2ogr('example.json', 'example.shp', of='ESRI Shapefile')


My point of view as a relatively experienced user of GDAL utilities is that
I hardly remember to change the order of input/output when using ogr2ogr and
gdal_translate and I have always been wondering why they do not use
parameters like -i and -o so that the order would not matter.

This thinking has a connection with the command line section in 

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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