[gdal-dev] Design for sub-second accuracy in OGR ?
Even Rouault
even.rouault at spatialys.com
Sun Apr 5 14:39:02 PDT 2015
Le dimanche 05 avril 2015 21:49:19, Craig Bruce a écrit :
> On 2015-04-05 16:25, Even Rouault wrote:
> struct {
> GInt16 Year;
> GByte Month;
> GByte Day;
> GByte Hour;
> GByte Minute;
> GByte TZFlag;
> GByte Precision; /* value in OGRDateTimePrecision */
> float Second; /* from 00.000 to 60.999 (millisecond accuracy) */
> } Date;
> If it's not too different from what exists, I have found that a good
> general solution is what Unix uses:
I should have mentionned what currently exists indeed :
struct {
GInt16 Year;
GByte Month;
GByte Day;
GByte Hour;
GByte Minute;
GByte Second;
GByte TZFlag; /* 0=unknown, 1=localtime(ambiguous),
100=GMT, 104=GMT+1, 80=GMT-5, etc */
} Date;
> struct {
> GInt64 second; /* assuming GInt64 and GUInt32 types exist */
> GUInt32 nanosecond;
> } Date;
Hum, the issue with that is you must do conversions between the textual form
(which is the one found in most OGR formats I mentionned) like "YYYY-MM-DD
HH:MM:SS.sss[+/-hh:mm]" and this representation. Which brings all those
questions of the convention for the timestamp (UTC, TAI, whatever..., how leap
seconds are handled) if we allow people to set/get the raw field directly (if
that was only for internal purposes, we could do whatever we want). Whereas
most OGR formats I mention use the textual form, so no need for conversion
currently (just separating each part of the string into the dedicated field).
> This representation is good for nearly 300-billion years with uniform
> resolution of one nanosecond. Don't take the evolutionary path of
> repeatedly discovering that you don't have enough precision and just jump
> straight to nanoseconds. Time zones don't matter either;
We probably still want to be able to keep track of timezone as we do currently
so as to be able to transport them losslessly when doing format conversion.
> just represent
> everything in UTC and display it in the local time zone of the client
> (using POSIX localtime_r() which is compatible with this representation).
One of the annoyances is that time_t is 32-bit on 32-bit Linux. On Windows you
must use localtime_s(), etc... For other needs, I had introduced portable
versions of gmtime()/mktime() that work with 64bit integers in port/cpl_time.h
, so I'd rather use that if we go to that path (but not sure how/if they work
well with leap seconds ;-)).
But honestly, I'm not really enthousiastic about overhauling how we deal with
date/time currently.
> Parsing strings isn't a big problem either; I've written code that can
> parse a packed-digit string like "20150405193638" into this structure in
> 27 nanoseconds on a computer that is several years old (by comparison, a
> simple string copy of the same string takes 25 nanoseconds). Date
> arithmetic and comparison is also very simple. You can add the
> 'Precision' field if you need it.
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