[gdal-dev] Relating to GeoLocation tool of Geospatial PDF Document

Jukka Rahkonen jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Tue Apr 7 01:18:48 PDT 2015

Vankadara, Sunil <sunil.vankadara <at> hexagongeospatial.com> writes:

> Hi Team,
> I created a PDF file with OGC_BP as GEO_ENCODING option like shown in the
 below command.  The below tif file’s Datum and Projection details are WGS84
/Geographic (lat/lon).
> ./gdal_translate.exe -of PDF ../../Data/input/sample256x256_1.tif
../../Data/output/sample256x256_1.pdf -co GEO_ENCODING=OGC_BP -co
>  PRODUCER="ERDAS IMAGINE" -co CREATION_DATE=D:20150407111345+02'00'
> Looked at the created PDF file Metadata using QGIS tool and noticed that
it is having the same datum and projection details as like below.
> Layer Spatial Reference System
> +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
> Layer Extent (layer original source projection)
> -84.5046451524118538,34.1200924180016969 :
> When I tried to use the Geospatial Location tool
(Edit->Analysis->Geospatial Location Tool ) in the Adobe PDF Reader then the
empty lat/long values are displaying at the right bottom of the  document.
> Am I missing anything in creating the Geospatial PDF document ? How to
confirm whether the CRS information is written into the PDF document or not?
> How GDAL PDF handles in case the given projection is not supported by the


Don't use the -co GEO_ENCODING=OGC_BP option alone if you want to show
coordinates with standard Acrobat viewer without the TerraGo toolbar. Use
the default which means ISO32000, or BOTH.

Confirm the result with gdalinfo "gdalinfo output.pdf". If source SRS is not
recognized define it explicitly by using parameters -s_srs and -t_srs.
Alternatively you can just attach SRS to output with -a_srs.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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