[gdal-dev] Setting up C++ environment with GDAL on CentOS
Dr. Joshua Jackson
josh at nside.io
Wed Apr 15 12:42:04 PDT 2015
Thanks! That worked great!
Joshua Jackson, PhD
Senior ResearchEngineer
(800) 604-1822 Ext. 5109 <tel:8006041822,5109> (256) 648-5109 <tel:2566485109>
josh at nside.io <mailto:josh at nside.io> www.nSide.io
<http://www.nside.io/> 4031 Parkway Dr, Suite B, Florence, AL 35630
<http://www.linkedin.com/company/nside/> <http://twitter.com/nSide__Out>
> On Apr 15, 2015, at 2:10 PM, Kyle Shannon <kyle at pobox.com> wrote:
> Joshua,
> On 04/15/2015 12:58 PM, Dr. Joshua Jackson wrote:
>> Hey GDAL Team - I have a server running CentOS 6. I have downloaded the
>> complete 1.11.2 source and successfully built and installed GDAL.
>> I am now trying to make my C++ program which uses GDAL and I’m not
>> having any luck. I get an “unknown reference” error on all my calls to
>> GDAL methods. (GDALAllRegister, GDALOpen, etc).
>> On my #include I get an error if I use #include “gdal/gdal_priv.h”; but
>> it makes it past that point if I use #include “gdal_priv.h” alone.
> #include "gdal_priv.h" is the proper syntax. If you use a pre-built package from ubuntu or fedora or other package maintainer, they sometimes install the headers in a folder named gdal. The standard build does not.
>> I am using cmake with this project and here is my CMakeLists.txt below.
>> I have manually set GDAL_INCLUDE_DIRS to be /usr/local/lib which is
>> where all the libgdal*.so files are located.
> I believe the proper name is GDAL_INCLUDE_DIR and it needs to point to the headers so it should be /usr/local/include (assuming a standard installation, see above).
>> cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
>> project( AerialMask )
>> find_package( OpenCV )
>> find_package( GDAL )
>> include_directories(
>> )
>> add_executable( AerialMask AerialMask.cpp )
>> target_link_libraries( AerialMask ${OpenCV_LIBS} )
> You need to link to libgdal, so:
> target_link_libraries( AerialMask ${OpenCV_LIBS} ${GDAL_LIBRARY} )
>> Joshua Jackson, PhD
>> Senior ResearchEngineer
>> (800) 604-1822 Ext. 5109 <tel:8006041822,5109>(256) 648-5109
>> <tel:2566485109>
>> josh at nside.io <mailto:josh at nside.io>www.nSide.io <http://www.nSide.io>
>> <http://www.nside.io/>4031 Parkway Dr, Suite B, Florence, AL 35630
>> <http://www.linkedin.com/company/nside/><http://twitter.com/nSide__Out>
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> kss
> --
> Kyle
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