[gdal-dev] problem assigning EPSG:27700

Darrel Maddy darrel.maddy at newcastle.ac.uk
Wed Aug 5 05:24:06 PDT 2015

Apologies if this is not the right place to ask this.

I use gdal to read and write datafiles for my landscape evolution model. I have been trying to get the output rasters to include the appropriate spatial referencing, in this case the OS National Grid (EPSG 27700).  I used the guidance in the raster api tutorial and my code has the following line:

        OSRSetWellKnownGeogCS( hSRS, "EPSG:27700" );

Alas this is clearly not recognised as nothing is written in the header i.e. using gdalinfo I just get Coordinate System is ' ' .  If I substitute EPSG:4227 then the information appears - but is, of course in the wrong place!

If I use gdalsrsinfo EPSG:27700 I get the correct information.

I am clearly doing something wrong and would appreciate any suggestion.

Many thanks


Prof Darrel Maddy
Chair of Quaternary Science
Newcastle University

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