[gdal-dev] Trouble reading some MODIS rasterbands in HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID format using gdal 2.0.0 on linux 64bit

Jacob Alexander Alexander.Jacob at eurac.edu
Tue Aug 18 07:19:15 PDT 2015

Hi there,

I have some trouble reading from some particular MODIS files giving me the following error message:

ERROR 1: GDreadfield() failed for block.
ERROR 1: HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"/mnt/MODIS/MOD10/2014/MOD10A1.A2014139.h18v04.005.2014141065636.hdf":MOD_Grid_Snow_500m:Snow_Cover_Daily_Tile, band 1: IReadBlock failed at X offset 0, Y offset 0
ERROR 1: GetBlockRef failed at X block offset 0, Y block offset 0

The reading in my case only fails for MOD10 products, MOD09 products work fine.
This error occurs both when using gdal distributed tools like gdal_translate or when writing my own code reading a rasterband via the RasterIO method.
The general dataset access works fine, for extracting metadata and retrieving geocoding etc.

I found that a similar issue was reported back in 2009 but I couldn't find any solution that works for me.
I have, as suggested in the old threads, compiled GDAL from scratch including many of the external libraries.
I have used the following libraries and compiled all of them on my CENTOS 7 64bit installation using configure and gmake:


szip        -> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
zlib         -> ./configure
tiff          -> ./configure
jpeg       -> ./configure
proj4     -> ./configure
hdf4       -> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-szlib=/usr/local/lib--with-jpeg=/usr/local/lib --enable-shared=yes --disable-fortran --disable-netcdf
hdf5       -> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
netcdf   -> ./configure
gdal        -> ./configure

For each library in the order presented here I then executed gmake install. This finished without error messages. When looking in the summary of the gdal build I can see that all libraries are found correctly.

I ran a test on my windows x64 machine, where I also have compiled gdal2.0.0 x64 . There I can read the raster band without problem when running e.g.:
gdal_translate -of GTiFF HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"M:\MOD10\2014\MOD10A1.A2014001.h18v04.005.2014003062628.hdf":MOD_Grid_Snow_500m:Snow_Cover_Daily_Tile output=test.tif
The same command however fails on my linux machine.

Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and kind regards,

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