[gdal-dev] Streamable GeoTIFF

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Mon Feb 16 08:26:06 PST 2015


Following a recent discussion on IRC, I've committed changes in the GeoTIFF 
driver (GDAL trunk) to allow streaming in/out TIFF files. This is rather 
advanced and requires care in its use but can probably be usefull sometimes.

More details in this new paragraph of the GeoTIFF driver doc :
Streaming operations

Starting with GDAL 2.0, the GeoTIFF driver can support reading or writing TIFF 
files (with some restrictions detailed below) in a streaming compatible way.

When reading a file from /vsistdin/, a named pipe (on Unix), or if forcing 
streamed reading by setting the TIFF_READ_STREAMING configuration option to 
YES, the GeoTIFF driver will assume that the TIFF Image File Directory (IFD) 
is at the beginning of the file, i.e. at offset 8 for a classical TIFF file or at 
offset 16 for a BigTIFF file. The values of the tags of array type must be 
contained at the beginning of file, after the end of the IFD and before the 
first image strip/tile. The reader must read the strips/tiles in the order they 
are written in the file. For a pixel interleaved file 
(PlanarConfiguration=Contig), the recommended order for a writer, and thus for 
a reader, is from top to bottom for a strip-organized file or from top to 
bottom, which a chunk of a block height, and left to right for a tile-
organized file. For a band organized file (PlanarConfiguration=Separate), the 
above order is recommended with the content of the first band, then the content 
of the second band, etc... Technically this order corresponds to increasing 
offsets in the TileOffsets/StripOffsets tag. This is the order that the GDAL 
raster copy routine will assume.

If the order is not the one described above, the UNORDERED_BLOCKS=YES dataset 
metadata item will be set in the TIFF metadata domain. Each block offset can be 
determined by querying the "BLOCK_OFFSET_[xblock]_[yblock]" band metadata 
items in the TIFF metadata domain (where xblock, yblock is the coordinate of 
the block), and a reader could use that information to determine the 
appropriate reading order for image blocks.

The files that are streamed into the GeoTIFF driver may be compressed, even if 
the GeoTIFF driver cannot produce such files in streamable output mode (regular 
creation of TIFF files will produce such compatible files for streamed reading).

When writing a file to /vsistdout/, a named pipe (on Unix), or when definiting 
the STREAMABLE_OUTPUT=YES creation option, the CreateCopy() method of the 
GeoTIFF driver will generate a file with the above defined constraints (related 
to position of IFD and block order), and this is only supported for a 
uncompressed file. The Create() method also supports creating streamable 
compatible files, but the writer must be careful to set the projection, 
geotransform or metadata before writting image blocks (so that the IFD is 
written at the beginning of the file). And when writing image blocks, the order 
of blocks must be the one of the above paragraph, otherwise errors will be 

Some examples :

gdal_translate in.tif /vsistdout/ -co TILED=YES | gzip | gunzip | 
gdal_translate /vsistdin/ out.tif -co TILED=YES -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE


mkfifo my_fifo
gdalwarp in.tif my_fifo -t_srs EPSG:3857
gdal_translate my_fifo out.png -of PNG

Note: not all utilities are compatible with such input or output streaming 
operations, and even those which may deal with such files may not manage to 
deal with them in all circumstances, for example if the reading driver drived 
by the output file is not compatible with the block order of the streamed 


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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