[gdal-dev] gdalwarp in MapTiler Pro Command Line
Even Rouault
even.rouault at spatialys.com
Thu Jan 29 01:23:06 PST 2015
Le jeudi 29 janvier 2015 04:17:09, Geospatial Information Technology Solutions
a écrit :
> I have Map Tiler Pro and I'm trying to use the GDALWARP arguments that it
> supports in order remove the borders around aviation/aeronautical charts
> for a seamless moving map in a mobile app. I have a GIS Polygon Shapefile
> for each Raster Image and I've prepared the following statement inside the
> myarguments.txt (--optfile Maptiler command) The MapTilerPro Command Line
> Manual is available at :
> https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BwUe1kqIRJWST1ZlT0tlTWNaRlk/edit
> (this is all GDALWARP except for the -wo which is a MapTiler Pro command
> for warping argument)
> -wo gdalwarp -overwrite -r bilinear -q -cutline S:/cropfiles/ENR_L01.shp
> -crop_to_cutline -of GTiff
> s:/geo-gis/1501/d-EC_IFR/decollared/ENR_L01_crop.tif
> I've just never worked with GDAL or GDALWARP and what I've tried seems to
> work from OSGEO4W command line or from within QGIS but not with MapTilerPro
> from Klokan Technologies.
(unnamed user),
I'm a bit confused, but if it works with the standard GDAL distribution and
not within MapTilerPro, it's unlikely we can help... You'd better check with
MapTilerPro appropriate support channels.
Regarding -cutline, an important thing to have in mind is :
"If the OGR layer containing the cutline
features has no explicit SRS, the cutline features must be in the SRS of the
destination file."
But generally .shp are accompanied with a .prj, so it is unlikely to be your
issue here, and you don't do reprojection either. So no idea...
Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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