[gdal-dev] Bytes still reachables in setFromUserInput function

Mathieu Coudert mathieu.coudert at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 07:04:32 PDT 2015


I am using GDAL 1.11.2 on linux Centos and here is one of my function :


OGRSpatialReference sr;

if (sr.SetFromUserInput(proj.c_str()) != OGRERR_NONE)

    throw InvalidInput();

char *wkt;


string srs (wkt);


return srs;


This code works fine but when I use Valgrind on it, I get the following
message :

[…] bytes still reachable at line X

where X is the line with the setFromUserInput

(please find below the full stacktrace)

[...] are still reachable [...]

==22766==    at 0x4A06A2E: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:270)

==22766==    by 0x54EB3B7: pj_malloc (pj_malloc.c:19)

==22766==    by 0x54F67BB: pj_insert_initcache (pj_initcache.c:161)

==22766==    by 0x54EA388: get_init (pj_init.c:288)

==22766==    by 0x54EA57B: pj_init_ctx (pj_init.c:428)

==22766==    by 0x54EB154: pj_init_plus_ctx (pj_init.c:366)

==22766==    by 0x6A4978: OCTProj4Normalize (ogrct.cpp:309)

==22766==    by 0x6A3215: OGRSpatialReference::importFromEPSGA(int)

==22766==    by 0x6A381B: OGRSpatialReference::importFromEPSG(int)

==22766==    by 0x693E41: OGRSpatialReference::SetFromUserInput(char
const*) (ogrspatialreference.cpp:1955)

==22766==    by 0x44D70B:
GisKit::ProjToSRS(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
std::allocator<char> > const&) (GisKit.cpp:46)

Do you have any ideas?

I'd appreciate any feedback/suggestion.

Thanks a lot.


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