[gdal-dev] Gdal-Grid lidar.

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Fri Jun 5 16:13:55 PDT 2015

Le samedi 06 juin 2015 00:18:45, Nicolas Cadieux a écrit :
> Hi,
> I have been using gdal_grid to interpolate LiDAR data for some time now. 
> This would be a typical command:
> gdal_grid -l P0344_sol2004_XYZI_MTM8_CGVD28_150529 -txe 348733.0 401135.0
> -tye 5568587.0 5773796.0 -a
> nearest:radius1=3.0:radius2=3.0:angle=0.0:nodata=0.0 -outsize 52402.0
> 205209.0 -of GTiff
> H:/Nicolas/pytemp/OutPut\P0344_sol2004_XYZI_MTM8_CGVD28_150529.vrt
> H:/Nicolas/pytemp/OutPut\P0344_sol2004_XYZI_MTM8_CGVD28_150529.tif --confi
> As you can see, this is a huge raster and the csv. file (Pointed with a
> .vrt) contains over a billion points.  I am trying to do this in one shot
> to avoid boundary effects.  (I know I can split this .csv file into
> smaller bits and make this more efficient).   The computer I am using has
> 12 cores, 64BG of memory (smaller than the csv file) and a 1TB pcie solid
> state drive.  It should manage the task but it has been running for 5 days
> with less than 10% done).  I have access to a super computer with gdal if
> all else fails.    
> This is my question.  The "--config GDAL_NUM_THREADS ALL_CPUS" or "--config
> GDAL_NUM_THREADS 12" does not seem to work with the nearest neighbor
> algorithm. (It seem to work with the -a count command)  If I use this on a
> smaller data set, I see no difference in speed or cpu usage between using
> the "ALL_CPUS" or not using this switch.  Is this a bug or simply a
> limitation of the nearest neighbor algorithm? 


The threading mechanism is generic for all algorithms . Add "--debug on" and 
you should see traces like "GDAL_GRID: Using 12 threads". Now, a reason for it 
not being efficient is that the work buffer used by gdalgrid (16 MB) is too small 
w.r.t to nearest speed. Hum, actually looking more closely at the code, I see 
that the quad tree to index the points will be rebuilt for each work buffer. 
This is likely the main cause of the inefficiency and why you don't see 
measurable differences between non threaded or threaded computations (since the 
building of the quadtree is not multithreaded). If you compiled from source, 
you could try changing the "const GUInt32 nDesiredBufferSize = 16*1024*1024;" 
line in apps/gdal_grid.cpp to a much higher value. A more proper solution 
would be to avoid rebuilding the quad tree for each work buffer. This is mainly 
code restructuring.

An alternative to gdal_grid would be to use gdal_rasterize + gdal_fillnodata. 
This is usually much much faster, so you could try to check if it gives the 
results you expect.

You could also try scipy :
Not sure how it behaves with that number of points.


> I don't want to move this
> to a super computer if it will not multi-thread properly.  
> Thanks,
> Nicolas Cadieux
> (Gdal1.11.2 downloaded with OSGEO4W 64bit install with QGIS 2.8 on windows
> 7_64)  I use GDAL from the command line not from QGIS.
> Nicolas Cadieux M.Sc.
> Les Entreprises Archéotec inc. 
> 8548, rue Saint-Denis Montréal H2P 2H2
> Téléphone: 514.381.5112  Fax: 514.381.4995
> www.archeotec.ca
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