[gdal-dev] New OGR driver for DB2 Spatial support

Kyle Shannon kyle at pobox.com
Fri Jun 12 12:30:40 PDT 2015

Patch is a diff of the source tree:


Yours will mostly be new files, but a few will change.

Easiest way to to do that is with svn checkout the trunk, make your
changes, svn add them, then do svn diff > db2.patch.  That makes it
easier for the gdal devs to test.

On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 1:21 PM, David Adler
<dadler at adtechgeospatial.com> wrote:
> Kyle, thank you for the quick response.
> I'll take a look at the autotest suite and test_ogrsf.
> By "patch", do you mean a zip file of the new and changed files?
> On 6/12/2015 1:43 PM, Kyle Shannon wrote:
>> David
>> On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 11:33 AM, David Adler
>> <dadler at adtechgeospatial.com> wrote:
>>> I have mostly completed the driver for DB2 Spatial using the ODBC support
>>> and would appreciate pointers into the GDAL information for the
>>> following:
>>> 1. Is there a test suite / framework for OGR drivers?
>> Yes, you can download the autotest suite here (for 1.11.2):
>> http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/1.11.2/
>> there is also test_ogrsf in apps/
>> cd apps
>> make test_ogrsf
>> ./test_ogrsf --help
>> Usage: test_ogrsf [-ro] [-q] [-threads N] [-loops M] [-fsf]
>>                    (datasource_name | [-driver driver_name] [[-dsco
>> NAME=VALUE] ...] [[-lco NAME=VALUE] ...] | -all_drivers)
>>                    [[layer1_name, layer2_name, ...] | [-sql statement]
>> [-dialect dialect]]
>>                     [[-oo NAME=VALUE] ...]
>> -fsf : full spatial filter testing (slow)
>>> 2. What is the mechanism for submitting a new driver?
>> Submit a ticket on the trac instance at:
>> https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/newticket
>> attach the patch for the gdal trunk, and the new unit tests as a patch
>> in autotest.
>>> 3. What is the plan for the transition to GDAL 2.0?  My driver was
>>> developed
>>> against GDAL 1.11.2 and parallels similar drivers for MSSQL, PostGIS,
>>> Oracle, etc.
>> Current trunk is 2.0, with a release candidate out.  You may have to
>> do a little work to update the driver.
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