[gdal-dev] Set/Get Scale and Offset in GDALRasterBand

Ray Gardener rayg at daylongraphics.com
Mon Jun 22 13:28:47 PDT 2015

The functions are to allow mapping between logical and physical pixel 
values. This is very common in e.g. elevation DEMs.

Applying them is done by the calling code. At least, I haven't seen any 
routines in GDAL that
would apply them for you.


On 6/22/2015 7:50 AM, Alexander Bobkov wrote:
> Hi,
> What is the intended usage of methods 
> SetScale/GetScale/SetOffset/GetOffset of the GDALRasterBand class?
> Documentation says that
>> This value (in combination with the GetOffset() 
>> <http://www.gdal.org/classGDALRasterBand.html#ab62e0761dde3e3b76f83155920275e4f> 
>> value) is used to transform raw pixel values into the units returned 
>> by GetUnits(). For example this might be used to store elevations in 
>> GUInt16 bands with a precision of 0.1, and starting from -100.
>> Units value = (raw value * scale) + offset
> Who is responsible for applying the formula: client code before/after 
> RasterIO operation, or driver code inside IReadBlock/IWriteBlock methods?
> Best regards,
> Alexander Bobkov
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