[gdal-dev] issue with Virtual Format and a remote CSV service

Jukka Rahkonen jukka.rahkonen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Wed Mar 25 08:27:33 PDT 2015

Martin Ouellet <geomartino <at> gmail.com> writes:

> Thanks Even for the quick response.  Is it ok to escape : 
(with %3A) and
the comma (with %2C) in the vrt?even with the prefix ,
 I received another error:
> OGR error. Failed to open datasource `/vsicurl/http://<my


I put two test files here:
http://latuviitta.org/documents/rename%20test.gml (with space, %20)
http://latuviitta.org/documents/rename%26test.gml (with &, %26)

Reading the first one succeeds through this VRT:

<OGRVRTLayer name="m_asalue"> 

Save and test with "ogrinfo ogrvrttest2.xml -ro -al". Keep 
SrcDataSource in one line when saving.

It was too hard a challenge for me to write a working VRT file for the
latter one with &. Who will be the first lucky one? All that must 
be done is to guess the right syntax to place "&" character cleverly encoded
instead of _ENC_ in "rename_ENC_test.gml"

I have tried:
- URL-encoding to %26
- XML-encoding to &
- XML-encoding and then URL-encoding to %26amp%3B

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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