[gdal-dev] CSharp bindings question

Ari Jolma ari.jolma at gmail.com
Tue May 26 00:43:51 PDT 2015


I'm working on a cleanup of the bindings, trying to reduce the number of 
language specifics in the common interface files.

I can test Python, Java, and Perl bindings well in my Linux machine but 
can so far only generate and compile the CSharp wrappers. However, it 
seems maybe possible with Mono. I installed mcs but I'm now stuck with 
definitions with type

static OgrPINVOKE() {

appearing twice in OgrPINVOKE.cs and similar files. It seems that this 
is not because of my changes so far - they appear also on trunk version. 
The error message is

osr/OsrPINVOKE.cs(192,10): error CS0111: A member 
`OSGeo.OSR.OsrPINVOKE.OsrPINVOKE()' is already defined. Rename this 
member or use different parameter types

Do you have any idea what's going on and if it is even possible to 
compile the CSharp bindings with Mono?

Bindings generation and compilation of the wrapper code is ok, the error 
comes with command

mcs /debug:full /target:library /out:osr_csharp.dll osr/*.cs AssemblyInfo.cs

which is followed by

AssemblyInfo.cs(88,12): warning CS1699: Use compiler option `keyfile' or 
appropriate project settings instead of `AssemblyKeyFile' attribute

before the error (above).



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