[gdal-dev] GDAL testing

Kurt Schwehr schwehr at gmail.com
Sat Sep 5 10:37:34 PDT 2015

(Subject change to focus on testing)

Hi all,

First off... what GDAL has with autotest, travis-ci and coverity is awesome!

Thoughts / discussion more than welcome!

For my production work, I'm not able to use the autotest python code
because of its non-unittest architecture.  So... I started creating python
unittest and C++ gunit based tests.  I use autotest2 in Google's internal
continuous integration system in our main code base.  I'm using Google's
build system... I've got nothing started for running the C++ tests outside
of Google.

Apologies for not even getting out at least samples of autotest2 for folks
to inspect and comment on.  My intention is to put what I have in a git
repo and the to start discussions as to what (if anything) GDAL community
wants to do with autotest2.    I was hoping to get a lot more coverage and
get GDAL 2.x.x support, but that will have to come later.  It's only 14K
lines at this point (optimistically 2-3% done), but it has been a huge help
for me especially with in upgrading versions of gdal and catching bugs in
support libs & development toolchains.

The tests are more focused on test isolation than autotest.  This allows
for a lot more parallelism in testing.  e.g.  It's fair game to run all
tests at the same time on the same machine.

find . -name \*.py | xargs wc -l | tail -1
 10684 total

find . -name \*.cc -o -name \*.h | xargs wc -l | tail -1
  3734 total

Where GDAL's autotest is 204K lines:

find . -name \*.py | xargs wc -l | tail -1
  193994 total
find . -name \*.c\* -o -name \*.h | xargs wc -l | tail -1
   10471 total

Here are some samples:

C++ tests use  C++11, gunit, google logging, gflags:  (Hoping for C++14
soon.. e.g. make_unique)
- autotest2/cpp/port/cpl_conv_test.cc
<https://gist.github.com/schwehr/13137d826763763fb031> (Yes, this is
massively boring code)
- autotest2/cpp/ogr/ogrpoint_test.cc
- autotest2/cpp/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/geojson/geojson_test.cc

Python pretty much follows the autotest layout, but with util files in the
same directory.  Assumes python 2.7 or >= 3.4 (have not tried py3 yet)
- autotest2/gcore/gcore_util.py
- autotest2/gdrivers/gdrivers_util.py
- autotest2/gdrivers/tiff_read_test.py
<https://gist.github.com/schwehr/a35b2bc8a7956ef1f620> (I'm leading towards
moving driver tests in gcore to gdrivers)
- autotest2/ogr/geojson_test.py

Probably should move python code to also match the C++ tree.  e.g.

    tiff_read_test.py -> autotest2/py/frmts/gtiff/tiff_read_test.py

I'm (mostly) following Google's style guides.  Public versions here: C++
<https://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cppguide.html> Python

All C++ should be formatted with "clang-format --style=Google"

What does autotest2 not do?

Would like to eventually do (unsorted):
- Test error handling on a range of corrupt data sources
- Fuzz testing, ASAN/MSAN/TSAN/Valgrind/Heap checks  (I've done some MSAN &
heap checkers by hand)
- Performance testing - time and memory usage
- Test the C API at the C level
- Test platforms other than Linux (MS Win*, Mac OSX, Android, iOS, other
embedded oses, BSD*, Solaris, HPUX, etc)
- Have more detailed language binding tests for java, ruby, perl, php
- Coverage checking
- Test parallel processing and multithreading
- Test networking (I need to think through isolation)
- Test multiple configurations (e.g. all drivers and features enables vrs
minimal build).
- Check which system calls are used by each driver for read and for write
- Check i18n support.
- Check distribution packaging
- Validating that the given build options result in the expect available

Probably out of scope:
- Test for support from older platforms & C++ older than C++11
- Actual sandbox checks
- Test other bindings to GDAL's C or C++ API such as Fiona & Shapely
- Integration tests (e.g. GRASS, QGIS, mapserv, GeoDjango, etc).
- ABI compatibility checks
- Older versions of dependent libs e.g. netcdf/hdf4/5, kakadu, openjpeg,

Engineer at Google

On Sat, Sep 5, 2015 at 7:48 AM, Dmitry Baryshnikov <bishop.dev at gmail.com>

> Hi Even,
> 05.09.2015 17:10, Even Rouault пишет:
>> Dmitry,
>> During the code sprint in FOSS4G 2015 (Korea, Seoul) I plan to start
>>> refactoring Cmake for GDAL (everybody are welcome
>>> http://2015.foss4g.org/programme/code-sprint/). This is good starting
>>> point to try release an idea to reformat source tree (combine drivers on
>>> some principles - raster/vector/raster+vector). I digging the mailing
>>> list, but didn't found discussion started by Even about this.
>> Regarding unified drivers, it was a bit mentionned in
>> https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc46_gdal_ogr_unification . Basically
>> the
>> PCIDSK drivers have been merged in frmts/pcidsk, the PDF ones in
>> frmts/pdf.
>> And the raster side of GPKG has been added to the existing
>> ogr/ogrsf_frmts/geopackage
>> Potential changes on the tree structure were left out in the "Potential
>> changes that are *NOT* included in this RFC" paragraph.
> I plan to experiment with this and if I get good results, RFC will be
> written.
>> Also we have
>>> new type of drivers - network. So, how it'll be best to organise sources?
>>> This can be not only drivers, but the whole source tree. How should the
>>> ideal GDAL source tree looks like?
>>> Also I plan:
>>> 1. Move all internal libraries (zlib, libtiff, libjpeg, etc.) to
>>> separate github repos to use CMake ExternalProject feature.
>> Just to give some context: the point for the internal libraries was to
>> have a
>> no-brainer way of building GDAL without any prerequisite.
>> - internal zlib is identical to its upstream v1.2.3 AFAIK
>> - internal libtiff: most files are identical to libtiff CVS, but a few
>> ones
>> (tiffconf.h, tif_config.h) have been modified for integration with GDAL
>> CPL, and
>> tif_vsi.c is GDAL specific (I/O implementation) + a build time hack for
>> JPEG 12 bit support
>> - internal libjpeg is mostly upstream libjpeg v6b + one patch. There's
>> also
>> the build hack for libjpeg12
> I only plan to move this internal libraries in separate repos, not to link
> official ones. So this is only give more structured sources tree.
>> 2. Remove any other building systems
>> That sounds ambitious. Given the complexity and maturity of our current
>> build
>> systems, I guess this would take some time to have CMake catch up.
> Yes, certainly. But anyhow current CMake branch not fully consistent for
> current build system. So this have to be done.
>> 3. Try CTest for testing
>> What do you think it will bring w.r.t our current testing system ? Do we
>> want
>> to be dependant of a particular build system for our tests ?
>> Regarding testing, I've somehow understood Kurt had mentionned plans for a
>> "gdalautotest2"
> This is only subject of experiments. Let's try CTest and see if it fits.
>> Regarding all the above, I assume you mean in a fork of yours ?
> Yes. All experiments will be on forked GDAL in separate branch.
>> As for me the ideal structure should looks like:
>>> + apps
>>> + autotests
>>> + bindings
>>> + core
>>>     + port
>>>     + ogr
>>>     + gcore
>> gnm core would go here too ?
> Yes
>> + cmake
>>> + data
>>> + docs
>>>     + doxygen
>>>     + readme
>>> + drivers
>>>     + raster
>>>     + vector
>>>     + network
>>>     + combined
>>> + CMakeLists.txt
>>> So, at the root of sources tree we will have only 8 folders and 2 files.
>> Is the churn in the tree structure worth the effort ? Be aware that there
>> are a
>> number of interdependencies between drivers, so this might require fixing
>> a
>> number of source files. What advantages do you see in a new structure ?
> 1. More ease to understand sources tree for novice.
> 2. More useful for CMake macro. In current release there are a lot of
> hardcoded things. Macro give more flexibility.
> 3. More ease to add some new check needed by separate drivers.
> 4. More configurable (ease selected depended libraries installed in OS, or
> should be loaded via ExternalProject), more dependence checks.
> 5. May be CPack using in future to create distros.
>> I'm afraid that if you want to change multiple things at a time (build
>> system,
>> testing mechanisms, tree structure), you will never manage to get a
>> working
>> result. Incremental approaches when feasible are less risky (but admitedly
>> involve potentially a larger cumulated effort).
> Yes, you may be right. But it seems to me that current Cmake version is
> too complicated than it can be. If Ican improve it it'll solve lot of
> problems, if not - ok this will be only an unsuccessful experiment.
>> Even
>> I do not insist, maybe it's a crazy idea. But as was the discussion of
> unification, it seemed to me that this worth trying during improvements
> Cmake build system.
> Best regards,
>     Dmitry
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