[gdal-dev] Rectify TIFF: Difference between applied GCP and warped image

Bischof, Richard Richard.Bischof at lgln.niedersachsen.de
Tue Apr 12 08:20:08 PDT 2016

Hello there,

I`m trying to rectify a lots of dataset in tiff format using gdal. I'am using Windows 7 Professional, gdal 1.11.2 .

My steps / commands are:

1) Apply the GCP's using gdal_translate
gdal_translate -of GTiff -gcp 5734.32993305 4261.44895879 611521.018414 5787817.29357 -gcp 572.485136268 3616.16282333 612191.853158 5789322.98631 -gcp 938.059974162 5259.97607362 611658.464864 5789364.12734 -gcp 399.270774586 4637.53045143 611897.913259 5789465.33066 -gcp 175.9077093 3518.3785654 612261.413077 5789435.00343 -gcp 65.1081071915 1318.06325259 612926.481389 5789252.39979 -gcp 2058.05461478 861.869252792 612872.84906 5788621.71163 -gcp 3197.85958388 934.608945675 612747.965477 5788289.12972 -gcp 4888.93938213 1463.60781341 612426.762337 5787815.07664 -gcp 5126.7206471 3450.97792497 611812.932465 5787930.73745 -gcp 4165.58848947 4831.95198662 611488.508427 5788352.14431 -gcp 1596.03095142 4691.55418917 611766.991386 5789112.70647 -gcp 2611.86113409 5865.48875961 611315.082149 5788919.03108 -gcp 1753.54106193 2650.51125969 612364.509943 5788875.28655 -gcp 3623.30422048 166.767269129 612934.192512 5788086.76226 -gcp 3033.49120733 4610.79484584 611663.462367 5788668.84676  F:\Projekt\gross\106300.tif D:/temp.tif

2) Warp the image using gdalwarp
gdalwarp -multi -wm 4000 -overwrite -r bilinear -order 2 -co COMPRESS=NONE -co TFW=YES -co TILED=YES  D:/temp.tif D:\GDAL\106300.tif

My problem is, that the output dataset from the second step is not what I expected. It is warped different, than ArcMap is showing me, when I load the output dataset from the first step. (Including the gcp).

What am I missing in my gdalwarp command?

Thank you!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Richard Bischof

Landesamt für Geoinformation und Landesvermessung Niedersachsen (LGLN)
- Regionaldirektion Hameln-Hannover -
Dezernat 2 - Geodatenmanagement
Constantinstraße 40, 30177 Hannover
Tel.:	 +49 511 30245-314
Fax:	 +49 511 30245-360
mailto:richard.bischof at lgln.niedersachsen.de

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