[gdal-dev] How clean a shapefile using ogrinfo

Andrea Peri aperi2007 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 12 08:12:38 PDT 2016

I need to clean a shapefile before export in it from a DB table.

The option "-overwrite" of ogr2ogr is not feasible for me because
AFAIK from the docs
the overwrite option will
"delete the shapefile and recreate it".
Instead I need do not recreate it to maintain the original structure of dbf.

So I try to delete the shapefile using this ogrinfo tools,
but using this sintax

ogrinfo -al -sql "delete from myshape" myshape.shp

I have an errore and seem is not accepted by ogrinfo.

I'm wrong something in the sintax or ogrinfo do not allow the delete
of a shapefile ?


Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù

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