[gdal-dev] Compiling with ECW/JP2ECW support enabled

Jonathan Williams jonvwill at verizon.net
Wed Feb 17 09:13:02 PST 2016

That's exactly correct, for the plugin attempt. I tried it just to see
if it would get anywhere, as I couldn't find a plugin build script that
supported GDAL >2.0.

As for trying to build the ecw/jp2ecw support into GDAL 2.0.2 itself,
I've now tried the old libecwj2 3.3 code in lieu of the SDK 5.2.1
libraries; as usual, it configures and compiles without complaint, but
the ecw support is simply absent in the final product.

I'd like to use some of the GDAL >2.0 features, but if I'm not able to
get ecw and OpenCL working, I may drop back to the <2.0 series to see if
that helps.


On 2/17/2016 11:47 AM, Even Rouault wrote:
> Le mercredi 17 février 2016 16:38:30, Jonathan Williams a écrit :
>> I have tried this; I've added the Ubuntu-GIS repository, but none of the
>> builds are for 64 bit 14.04 LTS, from what I've seen.
>> I've also tried to force the issue with the instructions here:
>> http://gis.stackexchange.com/a/102088
>> However, the build fails, perhaps because I'm using version 5.2.1 of
>> ERDAS' SDK with libNCSEcw.so.5.2.1, or perhaps because I'm using Gdal
>> 2.0.2? the compile messages indicate a couple of errors.
>> /usr/local/include/gdal_priv.h:226:19: error: ‘char**
>> GDALOpenInfo::papszSiblingFiles’ is private
>>      char        **papszSiblingFiles;
>>                    ^
>> ecwdataset.cpp:2526:48: error: within this context
>>                                     poOpenInfo->papszSiblingFiles, NULL );
>>                                                 ^
>> make: *** [ecwdataset.o] Error 1
>> ...as well as...
>> ecwdataset.cpp:440:91: error: no matching function for call to
>> ‘ECWRasterBand::SetDefaultHistogram(double&, double&, int&, int*&)’
> My bet is that you are building the ECW driver code from GDAL 1.X against GDAL 
> 2.X headers.
>> Note that I did *not* attempt to install QGIS or libgdal-dev, as I was
>> concerned some of the other dependencies might regress work that I'd
>> done with compiling Jasper, etc.
>> Best,
>> Jonathan
>> On 2/17/2016 12:26 AM, Tomaka, Jacek wrote:
>>> HI Jonathan,
>>> Have you tried compiling in  ECW/JP2 support as a plugin?
>>> Regards.
>>> Jacek Tomaka
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: gdal-dev [mailto:gdal-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of
>>> Jonathan Williams Sent: Wednesday, 17 February 2016 4:51 AM
>>> To: gdal-dev at lists.osgeo.org
>>> Subject: [gdal-dev] Compiling with ECW/JP2ECW support enabled
>>> Hello,
>>> In addition to my previous question regarding OpenCL support bafflement,
>>> I've run into difficulty compiling GDAL 2.02 with ECW support.
>>> I've compiled with "--with-ecw=/usr/local/hexagon", as the 5.2 SDK is
>>> located there, and symlinked the
>>> /usr/local/hexagon/lib/(x64|x86)/release/libNCSEcw.so library to
>>> /usr/local/lib/libNCSEcw.so .
>>> Configuration completes with no errors, as does compilation. The
>>> ./configure output indicates that support is selected, and config.log
>>> says all libraries were found.
>>> However, the completed utilities do not list ecw as a readable format,
>>> and indeed, they cannot read ecw files (much less jpeg2000 ones).
>>> I understand there have been libgdal-ecw scripts that some have run to
>>> enable support; however, I haven't found one for this situation (Ubuntu
>>> desktop 14.04.3 LTS 64 bit, with gdal 2.02).
>>> Is it the case that these scripts also need to be run to enable ecw
>>> support? or am I foolishly missing something?
>>> I see in the config.log that -ECW_FLAGS are set to
>>> -DECW_COMPRESS_RW_SDK_VERSION', and thought perhaps a 32 bit library had
>>> been selected; however, manually modifying the flag "DX86" to "DX64"
>>> simply produced an error.
>>> Any insight would be appreciated.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Jonathan Williams
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