[gdal-dev] GeoTIF has not text while gdalwarp (GeoPDF to GeoTIF)

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Mon Feb 22 09:43:54 PST 2016

On 2016-02-22 1:32 PM, Gane R wrote:
> I am trying to do a gdalwarp on linux with poppler, fontconfig and
> freetype2 built in gdal
> I get the following error
> ERROR 1: Couldn't find a font
> when converting from GeoPDF to GeoTIF
> Resulting GeoTIF doesn't have some text labels in the PDF.
> Any suggestion while building gdal
> Regards,
> Gane

I haven't tried your exact gdalwarp steps, but I can tell you that for 
MS4W (http://ms4w.com) on Windows we build poppler with the following 
dependencies: freetype, jpeg, zlib, libpng, libiconv, and cairo.


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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