[gdal-dev] Question about KML Lib

Leonan Carvalho j.leonancarvalho at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 04:26:22 PST 2016

Dear All,

I'd asked a question on GIS Starkexchange
about a issue with KML convertion to GEOJSON(or other formats) . There you
can find more tecnical information about it.
It was proposed that I make the same question here in this list, so, to
summarize I have the following scenario:

- I'm using GDAL 1.11.3 on Windows 10, released 09/16/2015
- I'm exporting a KML for GeoJSON
- I do not know the name of layers, or which fields are available.
- I have no any special attributes in the schema but always is created
these attributes:* Name,
- I must keep only attributes present on schema.

I really appreciate if someone  help to clearance.

(Excuse me for my awful English, I’m French !)

Best wishes,

* José Leonan S. Carvalho*
*Software Engineer*
+55 22 9 99811 1411
j.leonancarvalho at gmail.com
*skype: jleonancarvalho*
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