[gdal-dev] ogr2ogr CircleByCenterPoint convert problem

Zakrzewski Stefan Stefan.Zakrzewski at gugik.gov.pl
Fri Mar 11 01:28:43 PST 2016

Hi Everyone.

For several days I try to convert GML file for SHP. It contains objects in three geometry types: point, linear and polygon. They are located on several layers, each of which may contain all types of geometry. Some of polygon features are stored as CircleByCenterPoint.

After download GDAL 2.02 I've used this command:
ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" "file.shp" "file.gml" -overwrite -skipfailures -splitlistfields -where OGR_GEOMETRY='Polygon' -nlt CURVE_TO_LINEAR

For one layer in GML file ogr2ogr has made polygon features for circles, but for another completely not.
I have checked twice and GML feature members in both layers are the same.

I've tried use CURVEPOLYGON, CIRCULARSTRING and got no polygons for Circles in shape file.

Any hints?


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