[gdal-dev] GSOC 2016

Dmitry Baryshnikov bishop.dev at gmail.com
Tue Mar 15 16:21:29 PDT 2016

Hi Sarthak,

The first version is not working (do you test it?): 
Here you try to get array value with index -1. You need to set 
ppszDbname = NULL no DB name present in input parameters.

The second variant is not working too:
 >>> ds = gdal.Open('PG:')
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
   what():  basic_string::_M_construct null not valid

In both cases there is a problem here: 

Also look there ppszDbname is using, as before modifications the code 
expect that ppszDbname cannot be NULL.

Best regards,

15.03.2016 13:13, sarthak agarwal пишет:
> Hey Dmitry ,
> As discussed on the IRC yesterday,
> I made the changes in the code.
> I build two versions of the code
> 1.
>     The changes suggested by you (to use the old trunk code and remove
>     the additional checks) link
>     <https://github.com/sarthak-0415/gdal/commit/36344cc26f23202cb289390322c1d295697136bd>
>     travis <https://travis-ci.org/sarthak-0415/gdal/builds/116070409> .
>     a. in this version the Dbname is left empty if not provided by the
>     user.
> 2.
>     The version in which we
>     a. if the Dbname is provided by the user then ppzDbname=Dbname.
>     b. else use the psql env var PGDATABASE
>     c. else use the Username as the database name.
>     d. if nothing is available then pass empty string.
>     e link
>     <https://github.com/sarthak-0415/gdal/commit/6264d3fc52242fdce858547cc3a0312b04fd638b>
>     travis <https://travis-ci.org/sarthak-0415/gdal/builds/116055868>
> I think both version should work
> Regards,
> Sarthak
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