[gdal-dev] S57 conversion

Giorgio Ghiggini gghiggini at gec-it.com
Thu Mar 24 08:38:49 PDT 2016



I am trying to use the ogr2ogr to convert an S57 file (IENC) to a different
format but I am having several problems.


I tried converting to ESRI Shapefile but the object with code 17004 (dismar)
is not converted.

I tried then converting to SQlite and the 17004 is converted as generic, but
not all its attributes are converted.


I checked into the "gdal_data" folder and found several csv files to manage
various S57 objects/attributes catalogs.

I see also the IW (Inland water) is present and it seems correct, including
all my object and attribute codes.


Any suggestion ?


Thanks for your help,


Best regards.





Giorgio Ghiggini


GEC s.r.l.

Via Monte Matanna 1/C

55049 Viareggio (LU)


P.Iva: 02412390466

cell.: +39 331 141 9315

email: gghiggini at gec-it.com

skype: ghigio2000


 <http://www.globalterramaps.com/> www.globalterramaps.com

 <http://www.globalaquamaps.com/> www.globalaquamaps.com


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