[gdal-dev] gdal_translate issues downloading GeoTIFF with TMS/WMTS/AGS
Stefan Keller
sfkeller at gmail.com
Tue May 31 03:11:18 PDT 2016
Hi Even
Merci beaucoups! That calculation of SizeX/SizeY (zoom level 19 and
tiles of size 256 => 134217728 ( 256 * 2^19)) helped.
Two small issues remained using the AGS and "arcgisonline
World_Imagery" (I'm working with GDAL 2.0.2, released 2016/01/26):
1. That ImageSR=102100 causes an error ("ERROR 6: EPSG PCS/GCS code
102100 not found in EPSG support files...") so I had to add "-a_srs
2. When adding "-co TILED=YES" the resulting image got grey and
unsuable. This tiling worked e.g. using openstreetmap TMS.
2016-05-30 17:20 GMT+02:00 Even Rouault <even.rouault at spatialys.com>:
> Stefan,
>> 1. What I get, is a result made of tiles from zoom level 17 or so. But
>> I'd like to get the highest resolution i.e. from zoom level 19 (and
>> "-tr 0.1 0.1" does not help with that): How can I do that?
> See below comments in the XML
>> 2. Is there an option to slow down http requests (like 10 per sec.) in
>> order to save resources of the service? (Should I write an issue?)
> AFAIK there's no option for limitation of the number of requests in this
> driver.
> Even
>> (Finally I will reproject the GeoTIFF to a local SRS using gdalwarp.)
>> :Stefan
>> [1]
>> http://tools.geofabrik.de/calc/#type=geofabrik_standard&bbox=8.810788393,4
>> 7.221163925,8.8263881207,47.2283918446&tab=1&proj=EPSG:4326&places=2
>> [2] --- ::: File gdal_tiles_openstreetmap.xml ::: --
>> <Service name="AGS">
>> <ServerUrl>https://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imag
>> ery/MapServer</ServerUrl> <ImageFormat>png32</ImageFormat>
>> <Transparent>true</Transparent>
>> <ImageSR>102100</ImageSR>
>> <Layers></Layers>
>> <BBoxOrder>xyXY</BBoxOrder>
>> </Service>
>> <DataWindow>
>> <UpperLeftX>-20037508.34278700</UpperLeftX>
>> <UpperLeftY>20037508.34278700</UpperLeftY>
>> <LowerRightX>20037508.34278103</LowerRightX>
>> <LowerRightY>-20037508.34278103</LowerRightY>
>> <SizeX>40075016</SizeX>
>> <SizeY>40075016</SizeY>
> --> This is a unusual size for a X/Y/Z tiling system. For zoom level 19 and
> tiles of size 256, that should be 134217728 ( 256 * 2^19)
>> </DataWindow>
>> <BlockSizeX>512</BlockSizeX>
>> <BlockSizeY>512</BlockSizeY>
> --> should be 256
>> <Projection>EPSG:3857</Projection>
>> <BandsCount>4</BandsCount>
>> <ClampRequests>true</ClampRequests>
>> <UserAgent>Mozilla/5.0</UserAgent>
>> <ZeroBlockHttpCodes>499,204,404</ZeroBlockHttpCodes>
>> <ZeroBlockOnServerException>true</ZeroBlockOnServerException>
>> </GDAL_WMS>
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> Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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