[gdal-dev] Seg fault & error running gdal_rasterize on a non georeferenced raster
Even Rouault
even.rouault at spatialys.com
Wed Nov 30 03:17:06 PST 2016
On mercredi 30 novembre 2016 06:44:11 CET Mark Johnson wrote:
> This may be a similar problem to what was mentioned here:
> #6721: Simplifing use of gdalwarp with cutline with non-georeferenced
> rasters
> https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/6721
> (which has not been reacted to)
> There the gal was to use gdalwarp, together with a cutline, to cut out a
> portion of the non georeferenced raster (sample: image with folds which
> need to be removed).
> Here the idea was to emulate any meter base system (such as 3395 WGS 84 /
> World Mercator), creating a world file that always looks like this:
> 1.00000000000000
> 0.00000000000000
> 0.00000000000000
> -1.00000000000000
> 0.00000000000000
> 0.00000000000000
> Sample: small non georeferenced raster map from Wiki (1200x864):
> wget
> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a0/Karte_berlin_akzisemauer
> .png -O 18550101.Karte_berlin_akzisemauer.wiki.png
> echo -e "1.00000000000000\n 0.00000000000000\n 0.00000000000000\n
> -1.00000000000000\n 0.00000000000000\n 0.00000000000000" >
> 18550101.Karte_berlin_akzisemauer.wiki.pgw
> gdal_translate -a_srs epsg:3395 18550101.Karte_berlin_akzisemauer.wiki.png
> 18550101.Karte_berlin_akzisemauer.wiki.ref_3395.tif
> gdalinfo 18550101.Karte_berlin_akzisemauer.wiki.ref_3395.tif
> Using '-te' create a cutline around the boundry shown on the map
> - remembering the 'y/height' is always minus (i.e top=0, bottom=height*-1)
> --> top=-50 ; bottom=-690
> gdalwarp -s_srs epsg:3395 -t_srs epsg:3395 -te 220 -690 1160 -50
> 18550101.Karte_berlin_akzisemauer.wiki.ref_3395.tif
> 18550101.Karte_berlin_akzisemauer.cut.ref_3395.tif
> Without a world file you get with:
> gdalwarp -s_srs epsg:3395 -t_srs epsg:3395 -te 220 -690 1160 -50
> 18550101.Karte_berlin_akzisemauer.wiki.png
> 18550101.Karte_berlin_akzisemauer.cut.ref_png.tif
> ERROR 1: The transformation is already "north up" or
> a transformation between pixel/line and georeferenced
> coordinates cannot be computed for
> 18550101.Karte_berlin_akzisemauer.wiki.png.
> There is no affine transformation and no GCPs.
> Specify transformation option SRC_METHOD=NO_GEOTRANSFORM to bypass this
> check.
> (which is what you got)
> What the meaning of is: SRC_METHOD=NO_GEOTRANSFORM
> - no idea
This error is emitted when the source dataset has no geotransform (and no GCP and no RCP
and no geolocation array), or has a geotransform which is the identity matrix. Both cases are
usually non-nominal cases of gdalwarp. If you really want to proceed with the identity
geotransform, then you have to specify -to SRC_METHOD=NO_GEOTRANSFORM to
Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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