[gdal-dev] splitting other_tags from .osm file

Andre Joost andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de
Sun Oct 30 09:57:37 PDT 2016

Am 30.10.2016 um 13:55 schrieb Djordje Spasic:

> Jukka mentioned all_tags, of which I haven't been aware of.
> So my issue now is: what is the difference between other_tags and all_tags?

other_tags includes all tags that are **not** covered by the attribute 
fields list in osmconf.ini.

all_tags includes really all tags of a feature, even if they are already 
in their respective column listed in osmconf.ini (like building or 
highway usually are).

It might be necessary to rename addr:postcode to addr_postcode or 
postcode to avoid further problems with shapefile specifications. See 

André Joost

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