[gdal-dev] gdal configuration parameters settings...

JIA Pei jp4work at gmail.com
Sun Sep 4 17:27:19 PDT 2016

Hi, all:

Sorry, I didn't find a gdal-user mailing list. So, I have to post my
question here in gdal-dev. Hope this doesn't bother you.

My configuration:
Ubuntu 16.04.1
GCC: gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.2) 5.4.0 20160609
gdal: directly git out from https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal on September 4,
2016 .

I'm trying to enable all --with-XXXXX during gdal-git configuration.
However, it looks
--with-XXXXX can be set to

   - *yes*
   - *no*
   - *path*
   - *config*

1 out of the above 4 values.

My current configuration is:
jiapei:gdal$ ./configure --with-liblzma=yes --with-armadillo=yes
--with-poppler=yes --with-podofo=yes --with-spatialite=yes --with-dds=yes
--with-cfitsio=yes --with-cryptopp=yes --with-ogdi=yes --with-epsilon=yes
--with-webp=yes --with-geos=yes --with-spatialite=yes

And what I've got from the configuration is as follows:

GDAL is now configured for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu

Installation directory: /usr/local

LIBTOOL support: yes

LIBZ support: external
LIBLZMA support: yes
cryptopp support: yes
GRASS support: no
CFITSIO support: external
PCRaster support: internal
LIBPNG support: external
DDS support: yes
GTA support: no
LIBTIFF support: internal (BigTIFF=yes)
LIBGEOTIFF support: internal
LIBJPEG support: internal
12 bit JPEG: yes
12 bit JPEG-in-TIFF: yes
LIBGIF support: internal
OGDI support: no
HDF4 support: no
HDF5 support: no
Kea support: no
NetCDF support: no
Kakadu support: no
JasPer support: no
OpenJPEG support: no
ECW support: no
MrSID support: no
MrSID/MG4 Lidar support: no
MSG support: no
GRIB support: yes
EPSILON support: no
WebP support: no
cURL support (wms/wcs/…):no
PostgreSQL support: yes
MRF support: yes
MySQL support: no
Ingres support: no
Xerces-C support: no
NAS support: no
Expat support: yes
libxml2 support: no
Google libkml support: yes
ODBC support: no
PGeo support: no
FGDB support: no
MDB support: no
PCIDSK support: internal
OCI support: no
GEORASTER support: no
SDE support: no
Rasdaman support: no
DODS support: no
SQLite support: yes
PCRE support: no
SpatiaLite support: no
DWGdirect support no
INFORMIX DataBlade support:no
GEOS support: yes
QHull support: internal
Poppler support: no
Podofo support: yes
PDFium support: no
OpenCL support: no
Armadillo support: yes
FreeXL support: no
SOSI support: no
MongoDB support: no

SWIG Bindings: no

Statically link PROJ.4: no
enable GNM building: no
enable pthread support: yes
enable POSIX iconv support:yes
hide internal symbols: no

If I just move forward without enabling all other configurations, namely,
still keep all "no"s, and do "make -j8", I got the following error message:
libtool: compile: g++ -DHAVE_AVX_AT_COMPILE_TIME
-Wextra -Winit-self -Wunused-parameter -Wformat -Werror=format-security
-Wno-format-nonliteral -Wlogical-op -Wshadow -Werror=vla -Wfloat-conversion
-Wmissing-declarations -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Woverloaded-virtual
-fno-operator-names -I/home/jiapei/Downloads/rsgis/OSGeo/gdal/gdal/port
-DGDAL_COMPILATION -c -I../../port Huffman.cpp -o ../../o/Huffman.o
>/dev/null 2>&1
make[3]: Leaving directory
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: Leaving directory
GNUmakefile:88: recipe for target ‘frmts-target’ failed
make: *** [frmts-target] Error 2

So, can anybody help please???


Pei JIA, Ph.D.

Email: jp4work at gmail.com
cell in Canada:    +1 778-863-5816
cell in China: +86 186-8244-3503

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