[gdal-dev] Python bindings: more multithreading friendly

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue Sep 13 08:26:56 PDT 2016


In the recent discussion about the VRT Python new capability, I realized that 
the Python global interpreter lock wasn't released in the osgeo.gdal bindings 
when going from Python to GDAL native code, thus making threaded Python code 

I've committed a change to improve that. Basically I've enabled releasing the 
GIL in all methods of the osgeo.gdal package, a few ones of the osgeo.org 
package (ogr.Open() mostly) and none of osgeo.osr or osgeo.gdalconst. There 
are some subtelties though as we a few callback mechanisms (error handler and 
progress function) that can go back to Python code, so the GIL has to be 
reacquired in the wrapping code.
Enabling everything in osgeo.gdal is a bit brute force since there are methods 
that don't spend much time in native code so releasing/reacquiring the GIL 
might be overkill. I'd been interested hearing if people would see noticeable 
performance degradation in single threaded use case. In which case we might 
want to add a few exceptions here or there.

But now you can do stuff like the following and it will nicely use your cores :

from osgeo import gdal
import threading

def worker():
    ds = gdal.Open('myraster.tif')

threads = []
for i in range(4):
    t = threading.Thread(target=worker)
for i in range(4):

One downside of this change is that if you did use Python multithreading 
before without respecting the constraints of the C++ GDAL API (ie not using a 
same GDAL object from several threads), your code happened to work due to the 
serialization caused by the GIL. Now the following will crash (like it would 
do in the equivalent C/C++ code):

from osgeo import gdal
import threading

ds = gdal.Open('byte.tif')

def worker():
    while True:

for i in range(4):
    t = threading.Thread(target=worker)

So I'm not so sure if the wins are really better than the cons. I'd suggest to 
let the new behaviour in trunk and see later, when it will have been shaked by 
more hands, if this was an appropriate move or not. I've opened ticket 
https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/6649 to track this change.


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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