[gdal-dev] Reading a WFS source with OGR: Most columns don't appear in results

Kemal Ardıl Gülez ardilgulez at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 07:35:03 PST 2017

Hello all,

I'm trying to read a WFS source. The GetFeature request to the WFS source
returns rows in the form of:

    <groups fid="group.44107041">
            <gml:MultiPolygon srsName="
                                <gml:coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts="
                                    67.58207,80.5652 67.58187,80.5653
                                    67.58159,80.5654 67.58118,80.5654
                                    67.58118,80.5655 67.58137,80.5655
                                    67.58143,80.5655 67.58159,80.5654

But when I retrieve it with ogrinfo or ogr-fdw (which also uses OGR for
reading and parsing any ogr data source) for postgres, the only fields that
I can get are:

- fid
- geom
- status
- createdate

Is this some kind of a problem with the WFS driver of OGR or is there
something that I'm doing wrong or I have to do and I'm not doing?

The OGR versions that I tried with are:

- 1.11.4
- 2.1.0
- 2.1.1
- 2.1.2

Thank you all in advance.
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