[gdal-dev] Adding "Constant width" to LWPOLYLINE objects for DXF driver

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue Jun 27 05:35:37 PDT 2017

On mardi 27 juin 2017 10:01:11 CEST Nikolai Bezdna wrote:
> Hello,
> I’d like to add a parser for Constant width property to LWPOLYLINE objects
> for DXF driver. The property has no.43 according to the autodesk DXF format
> specification:
> https://www.autodesk.com/techpubs/autocad/acad2000/dxf/lwpolyline_dxf_06.ht
> m
> <https://www.autodesk.com/techpubs/autocad/acad2000/dxf/lwpolyline_dxf_06.h
> tm>
> My initial idea was to add it as a pen width (“w”) to an OGR style string,
> but that property is already taken by LineWeight DXF property. I’m ok with
> putting Constant width to the style string when LineWeight = 0 (since my
> data contains either Lineweight or Constant width) but that’s not a generic
> solution. So what is the suitable place to put this property to?


I'm wondering if we couldn't add in the layer definition a new OGR attribute RawCodeValues 
whose content would be "code=value[,code=value]*". Only for non repeated attributes (ie 
not for the vertices of a line), and probably only for the ones that are not already handled by 
OGR. Not particularly user friendly admitedly, but this would at least be generic for advanced 
Could potentially be used on the writing side if a user needs to add a specific DXF property.


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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