[gdal-dev] WCS 2.0, getting (multidimensional) data

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Fri Nov 3 02:38:56 PDT 2017

> Another thing, the raster size. Since the real raster, whose size is
> given in GridEnvelope in CoverageDescription, may be rotated relative to
> the GDAL dataset, the GDAL dataset size is in general case not the size
> of the real raster. It's just a computation but the result is that the
> size of the WCS dataset raster may be an approximation.

Ah, i think I see your point

If the grid offsetVector express a rotation. WCSParseGMLCoverage() currently  expose 
as dimension the value of limits.GridEnvelope.high[] - limits.GridEnvelope.low[] + 1 and 
the offsetVector's in the geotransform. So this is consistant.
But when you do a RasterIO() request which translates to a WCS GetCoverage request 
you express a BBOX, and not something in grid/image coordinates. Wondering what kind 
of response a server would return then... Would it be a "straigth" grid our would it keep 
the rotation exposed in the CoverageDescription

Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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