[gdal-dev] transformation failure from WGS 84 to GRS 1980

Saulteau Don sault.don at gmail.com
Sat Nov 11 19:53:14 PST 2017

I noticed that qgis built against the version I'm running also asks for the

Maybe something to do with the differing ellipsoids.

On Nov 11, 2017 08:06, "Andre Joost" <andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de> wrote:

Am 11.11.2017 um 08:45 schrieb Saulteau Don:

> I'm running Arch Linux :)
I don't have that running, but looking at https://www.archlinux.org/pack

I see a package 2.2.2-2 from 2017-11-09 and a package 2.2.2-3 from today.

Maybe the packaging went wrong on their side.

André Joost

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