[gdal-dev] vsicurl configuration design decisions

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Thu Oct 12 11:42:57 PDT 2017

Hi Sean,

> Is the future of open and creation options?

I don't understand your above sentence.

> Do you imagine this extended
> to, say, block size, compression, number of threads? An RFC that discussed
> the scope of this and at what level of abstraction it is implemented at
> might be warranted? I'd be happy to participate.

Not clear what you've in mind. Are you thinking about some formalism to define and 
specify options for VSI filenames ?

> On the other hand, https://example.com/foo.tif identifies only a single
> resource, whereas /viscurl/url=https://example.com/foo.tif can identify a
> GeoTIFF along with all of its sidecars. I presume that the new GDAL cloud
> utilities like gdal_cp.py take care of the auxiliary files, yes?

No. They should perhaps be named cpl_xxx since they really operate at the VSI/file level. 
Auxiliary/sidecar files are concepts that exist only at the driver level/

Copy of datasets + side car files can be done with "gdalmanage copy"

> My final concern about the virtual file opening options is the syntax.
> These /vsicurl/option1=val1[,optionN=valN]*,url=http://example.com/foo.tif
> identifiers (or filenames or whatever we call them) may spread from GDAL
> into the wider geospatial programming domain. Speaking from my experience
> with Rasterio, open source Python GIS developers expect the /vsi* filenames
> to "just work" in all software. Can we consider using a more standard
> syntax? One that has parsers already deployed everywhere?

I don't really see a use of parsing those /vsi names by user code. User code has to compose 
them, not parse them. But I can see your point for something more standardized.

> That syntax gives the /vsi* filenames the form of a "reflector" URL such as
> we see in Google searches (for example:
> https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwj
> C6e7hvevWAhXmjFQKHWsHDyMQFggmMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gdal.org
> 3fbRv5TusYwkXgz2Acf2kt) and there are abundant tools and a body of knowledge
> about how to parse and work with these.

One downside is that you need to URLEncode the URL, which can make it painful when 
composing it at hand.

Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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